New Users

To become a registered user of the ANZSPR website please complete the online Registration form.  This is available to professionals working in the Healthcare Industry.  New applications will be reviewed by the ANZSPR executive prior to being activated.  Please include your organisation to assist with verification. This will usually take 3-5 days.

Why would you become a registered user of the ANZSPR website:

  • Access to resources such as reporting templates and scan protocols
  • Updates on ANZSPR activities, including notification about future ANZSPR meetings and workshops
  • Updates on issues relevant to abdominal imaging
  • Option to receive updates in areas of your interest from other relevant clinical groups
  • Access to past meeting presentations

If you are an FRANZCR you can also elect to be a registered member of the ANZSPR Special Interest Group.  Having a broad membership base allows us to represent abdominal imagers to the RANZCR.

Existing Users

Use your login details to access online resources and documents available for download.  Please update your ANZSPR profile which allows you to select your areas of interest and elect to be a registered ANZSPR SIG member if you are an FRANZCR.

Once logged in, you will be able to access items in the Resources Menu.